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What is a Voucher Code, and How Does It Work?

A voucher code is a quick and easy way to get a discount on your purchases. Retailers, brands, and travel companies often use these codes to offer incentives, helping shoppers save on a wide range of products and services.

These codes can usually be found online—primarily on coupon and loyalty websites designed to help people find the best deals. Discounts with voucher codes typically range from 10% to 80% and may apply to:

  • Your entire purchase
  • Specific product categories (e.g., 10% Off Hotels)
  • Individual items

Voucher codes are also known as promo codes, coupon codes, or discount codes.

How to Apply a Voucher Code

Using a voucher code is simple. The codes, usually between 6 to 10 characters, can be entered at checkout to reduce your order total. Follow these steps:

  1. Find a voucher code for the store or item you want.
  2. Copy the code to use at checkout.
  3. Locate the voucher code field during checkout. Stores may display this field prominently or place it in less obvious spots.
  4. Apply the code before completing payment to ensure the discount is applied to your total.

Look for prompts such as:

  • Enter voucher code
  • Apply coupon
  • Add promo code
  • Apply discount code

How to Find Voucher Codes on Our Website

We’ve designed multiple ways for you to quickly find the best deals on our platform:

1. Use the Search Feature

Enter the name of a store or company in the search box and click "Search". You’ll see a list of available deals that match your search.

You can also search by keyword (e.g., "fashion" or "hotels") to find category-specific offers.

2. Browse the A-Z Page

If you prefer to browse by store name, check out our A-Z / All Shops page. This page lists all available stores alphabetically and can be accessed via the top and bottom navigation menus.

3. Explore Categories

If you’re looking for offers in a specific area, visit our All Categories page through the main menu. Select the category of your choice (e.g., Baby & Child) to see voucher codes, discounts, and related deals.

Start Saving Now!

Voucher codes make it easy to cut down your shopping costs. Explore our website, grab a code, apply it at checkout, and enjoy instant savings!

Need more help? Check out our FAQs or contact support for additional guidance.